Under western cliff a fisherman passes the night; At dawn he makes bamboo fire to boil water clean. Mist clears off at sunrise but there’s no man in sight; Only the fisherman’s song turns hill and
“守株待兔”出自《韩非子·五蠹》。比喻不主动地努力,而存万一的侥幸心理,希望得到意外的收获。也比喻死守狭隘的经验,不知变通。 One day, a farmer in the State of Song during the Warring States Periodwas laboring in the fields when he saw a hare running past him, d
“塞翁失马”出自《淮南子·人间训》,比喻坏事在一定条件下可能转变为好事。常与“焉知非福”连用。 Long ago, there was an old man living near the frontier regions whohad many horses. One day, one of his horses went missing. On learning this, his fr
米线对于云南人来说,就像空气一样不可或缺。云南的米线花样繁多,最有名的当数过桥米线。过桥米线历经300 多年的传承与发展,已经从“一个人的盛宴”演变成“一座城的盛宴”。你知道过桥米线的来历吗?一起了解下吧! Long ago, just south of the Yunnan Province ofMengzi, there was a beautiful lake with water as
自然灾害 自然灾害一直威胁着人类的安全与生存,它们可以将一座城镇夷为平地,让一个城市或国家瞬间瘫痪。山火、地震、强对流天气都会对人类的生命安全与财产安全带来毁灭性的影响。气温高、降水量稀少、可燃物多、风力大、原始森林覆盖率高、乱扔烟头等都是引发山火的重要原因,而山火的爆发会烧毁森林,减少生物多样性。地震的主要原因在于板块之间的相互作用,而地震预警和避震常识是我们应该关注的盲区。强对流天气发生突然
地震看上去离我们很远,可一旦发生,会造成严重后果。为了防患于未然,我们有必要了解一些地震相关的自救知识。当地震来临时,如果我们身处户外,需要注意哪些事项呢? 1. Move away from buildings, street lights, power lines, and bridges. The most dangerous locations during an earthquak
强对流天气是发生突然、破坏性极大的灾害性天气,常伴有雷雨、大风、冰雹、龙卷风、局部强降雨等。除了待在家,还有哪些防范强对流天气的个人保护策略呢?一起阅读下文了解下吧! Severe convective weather, characterized by thunderstorms,heavy rain, lightning, 1)hail, and high winds, poses sign
他是著名的作家、诗人、戏剧家,是十九世纪与萧伯纳齐名的英国才子。回顾他的一生,匆匆四十六年,在巅峰处跌落谷底,在病痛中走向人生的终点。然而,他留下的妙言警句却仍然被后人征引,作品更是成为不朽的经典。正如余光中所说,他的锦心绣口,微言大义,历经一百多年犹能令他的广大读者与观众惊喜甚至深思。他就是英国唯美主义艺术运动的倡导者——奥斯卡·王尔德。 Oscar Wilde (1854–1900), w
卢克索是埃及的古城,古迹多到被称为全球最大的露天博物馆,有着“宫殿之城”的美誉。探访卢克索神庙,赴一场跨越千年的古今之旅,必然不虚此行。 The Luxor Temple is a renowned ancient Egyptian temple locatedon the east bank of the Nile River in the city of Luxor, Egypt. It s
前两期我们了解了北极圈和赤道的不同生态风景,也领略了冰雪世界与热带雨林的极致反差,更了解了植物是如何在极端环境中生存的。本期,我们将了解植物和植物之间、植物和人类之间相互依存的关系。 剧情简介 本期以“休戚与共”为主题,展示那些休戚与共的场景和生物。这些场景中,形形色色的生物相互依存、共同生长。无论是在荒漠中顽强生存的植物,还是为人类生活带来便利的单一作物栽培,都让我们感受到了生命的坚韧与伟大
Read a conversation between a biology student and his friend. So, Simon, you’re studying biology. Can you explain a littlebit about it? Biology is about all the things on our world that are alive—pl
夏洛在猪栏上连夜织出了一张精致的网,上面有可爱而又神秘的图案,这引起了农场主朱克曼先生和他妻子的讨论。 “Well, I don’t really know yet,” said Mr. Zuckerman. “But we havereceived a sign, Edith—a mysterious sign. A 1)miracle has happened onthis farm. Th
1 An asteroid will hit Earth 一颗小行星将撞击地球 If all goes according to plan, scientists will hit Earth withpart of an asteroid. That is less alarming than it sounds, for thechunk of rock in question weigh
遵义会议在极端危急的关头挽救了党,挽救了红军,挽救了中国革命,是党的历史上一个生死攸关的转折点。 As a city of red tourism, the site of the Zunyi Conference is a perfect place for patriotic( 爱国主义的) education, where you could truly experience thegre
指导教师:高菲菲 Compared to the site of the Zunyi Conference, the Pass of Mount Lou is lesswell-known but definitely worth visiting. It is located about 60 kilometers south ofZunyi City, in the small town o
指导教师:高菲菲 遵义,全国著名的红色城市,这座红色城市的环境也造就了著名的遵义红茶——“遵义红”。 Zunyi, a city renowned nationwide for its historical significance, has a vibrantenvironment that has given birth to the famous Zunyi Red―Zunyi blac
指导教师:高菲菲 作为黔菜的灵魂,辣椒永远都是遵义人餐桌上的“常客”。 Almost every Guizhou people has a memory associated with chilipeppers. As a famous producer of chili peppers in China, Zunyi producespeppers with a red color, str
指导教师:高菲菲 折耳根和辣椒一样,早已征服了贵州人的胃,是刻在贵州人骨子里的记忆。 Every outsider who visits Zunyi is likely to meet this white root-likeobject, both at street food stalls and dining tables, producing a peculiar,fishy smel
易混动词辨析 1. take、bring 与carry 的区别 take 指将某物或某人从这里“带到”或“拿到”某处。 如:Could you take it to the classroom? 你能把它带到教室吗? bring 与take 相反,指将某物或某人从别处“带来”或“拿来”。 如:May I bring Tom to see you next Monday? 下周一我可以带汤
1. Zhang Hua, our monitor, is organized and thoughtful enough to ________ time well. A.reduce B.manage C.control D.influence 2. If you put all your eggs in one basket, you losing everything all at o